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Media and Sermons
- 1-8-2022 - The Challenge of Faith - Cabrera
- 01-15-2022 - God with us - John Brus
- 1-29-2022- Gods way of persuading us to believe - Cabrera
- 02-05-2022 - Spiritual Warfare - Palmer
- 2-12-22 - God In Search of Rebels - Cabrera
- 02-19-2022 - The Advanced Party - Fernando
- 2-26-22 - God in Search of the Lost - Cabrera
- baptism
- 03-05-2022 - A matter of trust - Renee Wilson
- 03-12-2022 - God in search of the unaware - Cabrera
- 03-19-2022 - Bereavement Experience and our great hope - Jay Richter
- 03-26-2022 - God In Search Of True Worshipers - Cabrera
- 04-02-2022 - Faith - Quint Thompson
- 04-09-2022 - God in Search of Faith - Cabrera
- 04-16-2022 - The Beacon - John Brus
- 04-23-2022 - The Wonderful Exchange - Cabrera
- 04-30-2022 - The Power of his Resurrection - Cabrera
- 05-07-2022 - Pigskin - Palmer
- 05-14-2022 - It was Necessary - Cabrera
- 05-21-2022 - Who is able to stand - Israel Fernando
- 05-28-2022 - Watch and Pray - Cabrera
- 06-04-22 - End Time Signs - Rene Wilson
- 06-11-2022 - Watch and be Sober - Cabrera
- 06-18-2022 - The competition to transform you - Richter
- 06-25-2022 - The Mystery of God's Kingdom - Cabrera
- 07-02-2022 - Independent Dependence - Jacob Pittenger
- 07-09-2022 - American Wedding - Palmer
- 07-16-2022 - One Hundred Percent Love - John Brus
- 07-23-2022 - Mystery of Christ - Cabrera
- 07-30-2022 - Grace Unimaginable - Quint Thompson
- 08-06-2022 - Book Of Job - John Revenboer
- 08-13-2022 - The Mystery of Godliness - Cabrera
- 08-20-2022 - Empowered by God - Fernando
- 09-03-2022 - The Tribulation Crucible - Renee Wilson
- 09-17-2022 - Creation Transformation - Lucia Tiffany
- 09-24-2022 - The Mystery of the Final Victory - Cabrera
- 10-01-2022 - Coming Again - Quint Thompson
- 10-08-2022 - Spirits of the Dead - Do they really speak? - Cabrera
- 10-15-2022 - God is Love - Bruse
- 10-22-2022 - Worship Him Who Made - Cabrera
- 10-29-2022 - In the context of the Remedy - Cabrera
- 11-05-2022 - Creator and Creation - Palmer
- 11-12-2022 - Love at War - Cabrera
- 11-19-2022 - Answers to Prayer - Fernando
- 11-26-2022 - Even the Children Praise Him - Cabrera
- 12-03-2022 - Our Next Destination - Renee Wilson
- 12-10-2022 - Attention to Details - Jacob Pittenger
- 12-17-2022 - Do Not Be Eager In Heart To Be Angry - Richter
- Rags to Righteousness - Part 1
- 01-07-2023 - The Only Name - Quint Thompson
- 01-14-2023 - Rag to Righteousness part 2 - Cabrera
- 01-22-2023 - For the Love of God - John Brus
- 01-28-2023 - Rags to Righteousness part 3 - Cabrera
- 02-04-2023 - Religious Liberty - Palmer
- 02-11-2023 - Rags to Righteousness - part 4 - Cabrera
- 02-18-2023 - Not I but Christ - Fernando
- 02-25-2023 - Eligible for Forgivness - Cabrera
- 03-04-2023 - All talk or wholly walk - Renee Wilson
- 03-11-2023- By Grace Through Faith - Pastor Dean Coridan
- 03-18-2023 - Prayer, God's Will, and Divine Healing - Jay Richter
- 03-25-2023 - Rags to Righteousness - Part 5 - Cabrera
- 04-01-2023 - Why Keep the Sabbath - Fernando
- 04-08-2023 - The Risen Christ, Faith's reality - Cabrera
- 4-15-2023 - No Other Name - John Brus
- 04-22-2023 - Rags to Righteousness part 6 - Cabrera
- 04-29-2023 - How Should We Think About.. part 1 - our portrate of Jesus - Cabrera
- 05-06-2023 - The righteous of God - Palmer
- 05-13-2023 - How Should We Think About... Great Controversy - Part 2 - Cabrera
- 05-20-2023 - A Mothers Love - Quint Thompson
- 05-27-2023 - How Should We Think About ... the Spirit of Christ - part 3 - Cabrera
- 06-03-2023 - Fear Not - Renee Wilson
- 06-10-2023 - Piano Concert - Neil Huffaker
- 06-17-2023 - What is your code of good practice - Jay Richter
- 06-24-2023 - Kissing Eternity Goodbye - Cabrera
- 07-01-2023 - When God Closes Doors - Quint Thompson
- 07-08-2023 - How Should We Think About ... forgiveness - part 4 - Cabrera
- 07-15-2023 - A Terrible Weight - John Brus
- 07-22-2023 - How Should We Think About... Conflict - part 5 - Cabrera
- How Should We Think About Conflict 07/22/23
- Sermon 07/29/2023
- 07-29-2023 - Your Choice - Fernando
- Jesus, Our Heart Transplant 08/05/2023
- 08-05-2023 - Jesus, Our Heart Transplant - Palmer
- Camp Meeting 8/11/2023
- Point of Contact 08/12/2023
- Point of Contact Afternoon 08/12/2023
- Perfect Storm
- 08-19-2023 - Perfect Storm - Pastor Rob Alfala - conference secretary
- How Should We Think About: The Truth 08/26/2023
- 08-26-2023 - How Should We Think About ... Truth - Cabrera
- When Impossible Becomes Possible 09/02/2023
- 09-02-2023 - When Impossible becomes Possible - Renee Wilson
- How Should We Think About: Society Ills
- 09-09-2023 - How Should We Think About ... Society Ills - Cabrera
- 09-23-2023 - The Truth About God - Cabrera
- How To Walk with God in Today's World
- The Truth About God 9/23/23
- Interview with the Rukundo Family 10/07/2023
- The Foundation 09/30/2023
- 10-07-2023 - Interview withe the Rukundo Family - Rukundo and Quint Thompson
- The World Has Gone After Him 10/14/2023
- 10-14-2023 - The world has gone after Him - Cabrera
- The Bible 10/21/2023
- 10-21-2023 - The Bible - Dr Fernando
- At The Heart of Adventist Faith: 10/28/2023
- 10-28-2023 - The Heart of Adventist Faith - Creation - Cabrera
- Eve and Lot's Wife 11/04/2023
- 11-04-2023 - Eve and Lot's Wife - Renee Wilson
- Make Your Vote Count 11/11/2023
- Lay Medical Evangelism and the Final Crisis11/18/23
- 11-18-2023 - Lay Medical Evangelism and the Final Crisis - Jay Richter
- Sabbath Sermon 11/25/23
- 11-25-2023 - The heart of Adventist faith - sabbath - Cabrera
- I Serve a Risen Savior 12/02/2023
- 12-02-2023 - I serve a risen savior - John Brus
- At The Heart of Adventist Faith - Marriage
- 12-09-2023 - At the heart of Adventist Faith - Marriage - Cabrera
- Hammond Family Interview 12/16/2023
- 12-16-23 - Hammond Family Interview
- Christmas Program 12/23/2023
- christmas program
- Obstructions of the Heart 12/30/2023
- 12-30-2023 - Obstructions of the heart - Cabrera
- A New Beginning 01/06/2023
- 01-06-2024 - A new beginning - Fernando
- 2024-01-20: Always Rejoicing in the Lord
- 01-20-2024 - Always Rejoicing in the Lord - Quint Thompson
- 01/27/2024 The Power of His Blood
- 01-27-2024 - The Power of His Blood - Cabrera
- Sarah and Hagar 2/3/24
- 02-03-2024 - Sarah and Hagar - Renee Wilson
- 02/10/2024 At the Heart of Adventist Faith - The Scriptures
- 02-10-2024 - At the heart of Adventist faith - the scriptures - Cabrera
- 02/17/2024 Pathfinder Sabbath
- 2023/02/24 Abiding in Christ
- 02-24-2024 - Abiding in Christ - Jay Richter
- 3/2/2024 Where are You Sitting
- 03-02-2024 - Where are you sitting - Jean Marie Rukundo
- 03-09-2024 - At the heart of Adventist faith - the second coming - Cabrera
- Commitment to God's People 3/16/24
- 03-16-2024 - Commitment to God's people
- 03/23/2024: At the Heart of Adventist Faith - Three Angels Messages
- 03-23-2024 - At the heart of Adventist faith - three angels messages - Cabrera
- The Power of Digital Evangelism Today - 3/30/24
- 03-30-2024 - The Power of Digital Evangelism Today - Caleb Durant
- 04/06/2024: Mind Fit - "Mental Health in Reach"
- 04-06-2024 - MindFit Video - audio only - MindFit
- 04-13-2024 - At the heart of Adventist faith - the resurrection - Cabrera
- 04-20-2024 - Victory in Jesus - Israel Fernando
- 04-27-2024 - She has done a beautiful thing - Cabrera
- 05-04-2024 - At the heart of Adventist faith - spiritual gifts - Cabrera
- 05-11-2024- At the heart of Adventist faith - our mission - Cabrera
- 05-25-2024 - The war of the wolves - Eric Flickenger
- 06-01-2024 - Repentance - John Brus
- 06-15-2024 - Time to repent is now - Jay Richter
- 06-22-24 - Full Assurance of Faith - Cabrera
- 06-29-2024 - Rebekah - Renee Wilson
- 07-13-2024 - The full Assurance of Hope - Cabrera
- 07-20-2024 - Marvelous Grace - Fernando
- 07/27/2024: How Do You Measure Value
- 8/03/2024: The Inconvenient Truth About Lying
- 08-03-2024 - The Inconvenient Truth About Lying - Jay Richter
- 08/10/2024: The Disintegration of Christianity
- 08-10-2024 - The Disintegration of Christianity - Eric Flickinger
- 08/17/2024: You Are Entertained
- 08-17-2024 - You are Entertained - John Brus
- 08/24/2024: The Full Assurance of Understanding
- 08-24-2024 - The Full Assurance of Understanding - Cabrera (audio only)
- 09/07/2024: Miriam, Zipporah, Rahab
- 08/31/2024: A Year in Pathfinders
- 09-07-2024 - Miriam, Zipporah, Rahab, and Hannah - Renee Wilson
- 09/14/2024: The Full Assurance of the Gospel
- 09-14-2024 - The Full Assurance of the Gospel - Cabrera
- 09/21/2024: A True Witness
- 09-21-2024 - A True Witness - Branden Watson
- 09/28/2024: Discovering Spiritual Gifts
- 09-28-2024 - Discovering Spiritual Gifts - Quint Thompson
- 2024/10/05: In God We Trust
- 10-05-2024 - In God We Trust - Fernando
- 2024/10/12: The Lamb and Dove or the Donkey and Elephant?
- 10-12-2024 - The Lamb and the Dove or the Donkey and the Elephant? - Cabrera
- 2024/10/19: What's Your Emergency
- 10-19-2024- What is your emergency - Brandon Watson
- 2024/10/26: Is the Servant Above His Lord
- 10-26-2024 - Symbols of Love and Grace - Cabrera
- 2024/11/02: Is Keeping All God's Commandments being Obedient or Salvation By Works?
- 11-02-2024 - Is Keeping All Gods Commandments being Obedient or Salvation by works? - Jay Richter
- 11/9/2024 - The Well at Wittenberg
- 11-09-2024 - The Well at Wittenberg - Cabrera
- 11/16/24 - Let Freedom Ring
- 11-16-2024 - Let Freedom Ring - Lee Rochholz
- Theological Courage - 11/23/24
- 11-23-2024 - Theological Courage - Cabrera
- Sacrifice of Giving - 11/30/24
- 11-30-2024 - Sacrifice of Giving - Cabrera
- 12/7/24 - Mary, Mother of Jesus
- 12-07-2024 - Mary Mother of Jesus - Renee Willson
- 2024/12/21: Christmas Program
- When We Are Filled with the Spirit - 12/28/24
- 12-28-2024 - When we are filled with the spirit - Cabrera
- 2024/01/04: Struggle No More - Keep Christ Jesus Alive in 2025!
- 01-04-2025 - Keep Jesus Alive in 2025 - Quint
- 2025/01/11 - When a Lamb Roars Like a Dragon
- 01-11-2025 - When a Lamb roars like a Dragon - Cabrera
- 2025/01/18: No Fear
- 01-18-2025 - No Fear - Fernando
- 2025/01/25: To Bear the Cross
- 01-25-2025 - To Bear the Cross - Cabrera
- 2025/02/01: Ruth and Naomi
- 02-01-2025 - Ruth and Naomi - Renee Wilson
- 02/08/2025: Lessons from the Water's Edge - Intro
- 02-08-2025 - Lessons from the Waters Edge - Cabrera
- 2025/02/15: Protecting Our Conscience
- 02-15-2025 - ASC LT. C Chaplain US Army - Kevin Daul
- Lesson From the Waters's Edge - Pt 1 2-22-24
- 02-22-2025 - Lessons from the waters edge part 1 - Cabrera
- 2025/03/01: It is Not Too Late
- 03-01-2025 - It is not too late - John Brus
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Media and Sermons
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