Prayer and Praise


Please Pray for:


Battling with Cancer:


---Joan - JoDe Walker's friend - going though cancer. 12/07/24

---David Peterson - leukemia, recovering from dehydration . 1/15/25

---Jerry Bowman - removed cancer kidney. Second surgery to stop the bleeding went well. 03/05/24

---Cheryl's Brother - terminal cancer. 02/17/24

--- Ron Nelson Sr. - Late stage metastasized cancer. 10/1/22

--- Sharon Ihns- has stage 4 cancer. At home and doing well. 6/15/24

--- Vicki Bowen - cancer. Has treatments at the U of I hospital. 01/20/24

---Steve Milbrandt - cancer. in remission. 12/17/24

--- Steve Moore (Lynda Amato's brother - prostate cancer) late stage cancer. currently in remission. 2/3/24

---Joe Bowen - (Steve's brother) - tumor removal from his optic nerve went well.  7/27/24


Tragic Loss:

--- Shootings across the country. 

--- Police Officers who lost their lives.

---John Brus - lost his brother. 2/20/25


Natural Disaster:

---Tornados and storm damage in the USA.

---Hurricane damage from Helene and Milton

---Fires in California


Other concerns:

---Patty Knott - in hospital with covid. 3/1/25

---Ed Nichols - receiving physical therapy at Lutheran Living in Muscatine.  02/22/2025

---Laurie Hackman (Susie Cabrera's sister) - Retina condition. visiting with a specialist March 7th. 3/1/25

---Darrell Matlock - Pastor in Ottumwa, recovering from Bells Palsy. 2/15/25

---Linda Lindstrom - recovering from gallbladder surgery. 2/22/25

---Edriell - one month old baby had surgery and is recovering. 01/18/2025

---Wendy Ebner - Susie Cabrera’s friend - experiencing weakness in her legs. 01/07/25

---Sharon Ihns - at home recovering. 1/04/25

---Andrew Cabrera - interviewing for residency going well. 1/18/25

---Duane Paul - recovering from surgery. 11/30/24

---Katie Hammond's Sister Becky - family who need to have Jesus in their lives. 11/30/24

---Truphena and Lynett Nyanchama's sister - facing Sabbath conflict in Kenya. 11/30/24

---Lori Williams - had good results for tests and imaging on her abdomen. 11/16/24

--- Frank Bogdanowitz - blood disorder.  Recovering at home. 12/14/24

---Truphena and Shannon - family struggles. 1/10/25



Outreach and Evangelism:

---Scott County Jail Ladies - as they seek to know Jesus.

---Prisoners in Anamosa - those who have accepted Jesus - keep them safe and help them witness to others. 

--- Our Radio Station, 107.9 FM. 

--- Group Bible Studies—Daniel and Revelation (Tuesday nights at 6:30) and Lifting Up Jesus (Friday mornings, 10:00, at the Meadow Crest Apartments Community Room). 



Prayer requests older that 2 months - no updates known


---Matthew and Tabitha Anton - will be welcoming a baby boy soon. 11/09/24

---Fabiane - recovering from an injury. 10/15/24

---Benny Teachout - health issues has him recovering at home. 09/14/24 

---Benny Teachout's Mother Judy - moving into nursing home in Knoxville Iowa. 11/09/24

---John Tuthill - came through his heart procedure and is at home. 09/14/24

---Phyliss Yeager - recovering at home. 09/14/24

---Steve and Viki Bowen - car accident. They are recovering. 08/17/24

---Bob Cassat - IV meds at home, has been able to attend church. 08/11/24

---Vicki Nelson - hospitalized for a week but is now home recovering. 08/10/24

---Lori Williams - procedure went well and is home recovering. 7/27/24

---Roberta - Hellen's daughter had surgery and is recovering. 6/15/24

---John Ravenbore- kidney surgery. 5/09/24

---Paul Fitzgerald - lump on his face is NOT cancer. 05/11/24

---Len Ferndando's Mother - health. 05/11/24

---Cheryl James - recovering from bronchitis. 4/4/24

---Ron Wilson - heart issue. Got 2 stints. Recovery going well. 3/16/24



Current Prayer Warriors: 1/1/2023

Cheryl James-Heisch - leader (563)320-7580

John Bruce

Linda Linstrom

Eva Shy

Dennis Malik

Vickie Nelson

Al Polina